Saturday, October 31, 2009


I woke up in a strange bed, not knowing how I came there, what I was doing, or why my body hurt so much. I looked around and pieces of the evening before came back to me. I was at my volunteer work, at the local stage and we had a meeting. And we also learned how to tap beer (I knew that already, but we had to do it again and show we knew it).
And then I drank a beer and another and another and another and some more. I missed the last bus home and went home with a co-worker, who's also a good friend. On the way to his house I tried to longboard, but fell down so much that I had a few wounds, that was the thing that was hurting.
Now I'm dizzy and not able to spell, make good sentences and anything like it. Stupid hangovers.

I like being able to drink beer since I were sixteen, can't even imagine waiting till 21. The drunken evenings with friends are just too much fun

Sunday, October 25, 2009

this is why we should not have sleepovers anymore.

On Monday night, I saw AFI. It was just indescribably awesome. I was one person behind the barricade. In front of me was a really tall guy, who looked as if he had heard of AFI yesterday/never been to any kind of concert before. He was texting the whole time. Then he was complaining about all the people screaming the songs and stuff. XD. I did get a picture with Smith, and I hugged Adam. And Jade signed my poster. We had to leave before Davey and Hunter came outside, because my dad was worried about the people we may encounter while walking back to the hotel.

One of my good friends, Audrey, (who is also in the band I'm in, which is actually called 'Nameless'), decided that she should have a sleepover for her birthday this year. Bad idea. Better yet, extremely terrible idea. So Friday night, we saw a play about vampires that lasted for two hours. (It did poke fun at Twilight, which was enjoyable.) All the characters were played by two men. That was over at 11:30. When we got home, we had vegan birthday cake. (I have some awesome friends that really care about me.) We somehow figured out (don't ask how) that a plastic jackolantern amplified the sound from headphones. So we carried that around for I-don't-know-how-many hours. Then we were dancing to The Cure in darkness at 1 AM and eating vegan ice cream and cake and the rest of the icing. (Erin and I ate all of it, as we do not get to eat ice cream as often as those who eat dairy.) And climbing in trees like little children. Until 3 AM or so. Audrey and I snuck outside, while Cecilia and Erin were still inside. Our feet felt the need to move. So, still with the jackolantern and the ipod, we decided to walk around the pool until we got bored. We went to the swingset and randomly cussed at each other and laughed for a really long time. (That shows how mature we are. XD) Then Cecelia and Erin came outside and couldn't find us at first, as there were no lights and the stars were obscured by clouds. So we tried to swing really high so they would see us, and we almost fell off. Then they saw us and we all walked around the pool again for quite some time. Cecelia and Erin went to the swingset, and Audrey and I decided to squish ourselves in a hammock that was only made for one person and try to look for the stars, which was unsuccessful. Her parents woke up and noticed we weren't inside and made us go inside. Then, after an hour or so, we went outside again for a few minutes, and I stuck my feet in the pool, which was just above freezing, and I somehow forgot I had long pants on, so, I had to deal with up to my knees being near-frozen for the rest of the night. Then we went back inside and put the jackolantern on each other's heads. We ended up staying awake until around 5, slept until 9:30, and then we sat in the tree again and ate lettuce. (I have absolutely no idea why.) We're like little kids. :D

I am in the process of writing a 10-or-so page (and it keeps extending) poem that may one day become (a) song(s). I have absolutely no idea why or how I chose to do this, or why it ended up being so long. Or exactly what it's about. Right now it resembles a really long Mad Libs page because there's a bunch of places where I can't think of the right word.

Did you know that I have the kind of friends that would actually skip class to hang out at, of all places, the grocery store? I did not until today. Our assistant principal was late and he saw them walking down the street. They got suspended for three days.

my friends scare me,
♥ izzy

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Secret Is Out

I knew it was true
What you knew
Swore you'd never known
But you know now
You know too well

And the secret is out
And the secret is out

The sky is colder
You look up now
Swore it was down
To find what you found

It's raining now
It's raining now

Fingers on glass
You retained their shape
Swore they melted away
Feel then fade

I've lost the day
I've lost the day