Monday, April 6, 2009


So I had prom on saturday night and I've gotta say going with no date isn't the most fun thing in the world, but I went with a good group of friends so I was pretty ok. I still didn't have too much fun though, there was too much on my mind. I just found out on thursday that someone who used to be a HUGE part of my life is moving to colorado (I live in GA so its a pretty long way away). My best friend won best-dressed which was exciting...i dont think everyone else felt the same way group of friends were pretty much the only people cheering. 
I thought that I was the only person who had a crappy time at prom but it turns out a lot of people did. one of my good guy friends hated his date because she got drunk and started bawling her eyes out, and someone else's date got so drunk she puked all over the dance floor and her dress and the after party and told her parents when they came and picked her up that it was her date that "forced" her to drink and now he's grounded. oh well. moral of the story? prom sucks

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