Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hey guys.

Tomorrow at school, I'm going to have to sit for like 2-3 hours, watching the school's yearly musical. Yeah, it's compulsory. After the show, if the weather is good, our class are going to participate in the school's yearly brännboll tournament (for you who doesn't know what brännboll is, it's a Swedish game that could be described as a simpler form of baseball or cricket. Here's a link if you are curious: Brännboll)

"We shall conquer!"

Sunday, May 24, 2009

whatever. and update stuff.

***Update: I think we ought to have a few more admins, because Natalie and I have a hard time keeping up with everything sometimes, and if you are interested please contact me somehow. For admin-ing, all you have to do basically is fix things when needed and make polls and clean up the layout and kinda whatever you want as long as it's not strongly opinionated. Not that much, actually.***

So, my friend Alli and I had a sleepover yesterday/today and I temporarily dyed my hair blue. Wanted to play my currently 5-stringed guitar. It just so happens that I broke the sixth string, and that happens to be the one string that I don't have (a) replacement(s) for. Story of my life. Oh, and I wanted to run around with caution tape draped over ourselves. Like last time, with Alex and Anna. And we got really bored at one point, so Alex took a picture of Anna and I being random in our cavernous basement. Sadly, Alex is away at her dad's house for the rest of this weekend, which is pretty far away, in another city.

Allison almost started a fire. She was using her hairdryer, and then there was an orange glow coming from the inside of it, and she just stared at it for a few seconds and then I freaked out and ran over to unplug it and gave her a lecture about taking action before something causes a bigger problem than it needed to be. The hairdryer popped open and a bunch of smoke came out of it for maybe, ten minutes. We told her dad and then put it on the counter to cool off, and threw it away. Then later, I told one of my friends that there "was AFI Allison's hairdryer!" because I thought that she would laugh, but then she looked really confused and so I told her I meant "a fire inside." She likes AFI and knew that it stands for A Fire Inside. It just didn't exactly click at the time and then she looked really weird when she laughed thirty seconds later.

At the moment, I'm busying myself with cleaning the basement, but other than that, website/graphic design. I have Photoshop Elements 3.o. It kind of fails, but it came with my tablet. So it was "free", but I think I kind of paid for it when I bought the tablet a year and a half ago... It's better than nothing, but lacks quite a few crucial features in Photoshop. And the current version of Photoshop Elements is 7.0. It would cost $119.99 USD for me to upgrade. No way.

♥ Izzy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Holy Crap.

School's over already?!
Last night, I graduated into high school. Today's the last day of school.
It feels like just yesterday that I was in 5th grade...

EDIT: I meant that to mean that I feel like I was 10 years old just yesterday. No, I'm no longer 10, I'm 14.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I dyed my hair red.

It's gone pink. Eeep.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Is it wrong to hate a member of your family? Because I hate my sister.

And not in a my-sister-borrowed-my-skirt-omfg-i-hate-her! kind of way. More in a kind of I-wish-you'd-get-help-for-your-psychological-problems-and-sort-your-life-out-so-you-stop-making-everyone-else's-life-so-miserable kind of way.

She makes everything so difficult, but won't admit to having problems, or admit fault for anything. She'll just continue to make excuses for herself.

I'm not going to go into everything she does, or everything she has done. It would take far too long.

Blurgh. I need some space. I need time away from this place, and from her.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ninetieth - More updates.

Yup. Updates. Self-explanatory, maybe? New poll for the background, since I think many of you would like to see a change. Let me explain one of the ideas that may sound confusing. All of the authors that want to, send in a picture of themselves or of their life. All of the pictures will be put together and that will be the background. I thought it would be interesting. So vote on the new poll, be sure to comment with ideas if you vote "other," and also vote on the next song of the week!
I have not written for a week, so Here are some updates:

Doctors never have answers.
High School girls can almost never be counted on.
Angry teachers who are losing hair do not enjoy being told they need rogane. (sp?)
Eating too much is a bad idea.
Letting someone pick you up and spin you around in a skirt is a bad idea.
Once one of your best friends stops using their nick name you feel lost in life. 
Psycho-analyzing people is entertaining but they tend to not like it.
Cancer is horrible in every way possible. 

Graduation is slowly approaching, and everyone is moving apart or clinging on to the strangest people. I do not understand  the point in any of it. Distance or clinging will not help the process at all, and it is not hard to keep in contact with people. Internet is a great thing. 

Or a horrible thing at my school. They are suspending kids for "cyber bullying" I am not really sure what that is though. 

I hope you all have a great week and I can attempt to update more often once I figure out what you want to hear.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

why must you confuse me so?

A girl who I thought was my friend just called me to rant about me being mad at her for lying and she said that I never had proof that she was lying. I'm not an idiot. Scratch that. XD I'm not as much of an idiot as to keep trusting someone when they say amazing, highly improbable things about themselves and what they're going to do, not like they want to be the best musician ever, but when they say they're traveling across the world with my friends. Especially when they have nothing at all to prove it. Like when things just start getting flat-out ridiculous. I told her that I just don't really care anymore. She said something like "You do care. You know what? You're not right. You're never right." I laughed loudly and said goodbye.

How I described that might have sounded like I was the mean one and didn't let her talk or give her a second chance. I did listen. I've given her a third chance, fourth chance, one thousandth chance, even. But does she ever show any regret for past actions? Ever say "I'm really sorry about how I've lied to you so many times. I know it hurt your feelings and I hope we can still be friends."? Nope. Not once. I've known this girl since kindergarten. I'm not the one that instigated problems in this friendship. True friends don't lie to make the other person feel bad. True friends don't pretend to be other people and say things to you and try to hurt your feelings, and say that your best friends, whom you have absolute faith and trust in, said bad things about you.

Let's walk away and forget, then. Because I truly don't care at all. So much in my life has killed my emotions and feelings to the point where I'm emotionless or really apathetic half the time.

Anyways, I hope to go to a therapist soon. My mom and I think I have depression. I have a lot of other things wrong with me, probably. No, and I'm not being a hypochondriac. That's my granny's job.

I aspire to have a happier post next time.

♥ Izzy.

[Edit: she called me a few minutes ago and said she was sorry and now we're ok.

And to end on a lighter note, on Saturday, while we were in Disney World, someone was skywriting about Jesus, and Zach thought it said something about PMS. I don't know why I thought of that.]

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009


Haven't posted on here for what feels like forever. Well, it probably hasn't been so long, but there has changed so much in my life.
First of all, my friends.. The friends I used to hang out with got stuck in a rut of smoking dope and drinking. I decided it couldn't go on this way and quitted with it. Because of that, I don't see them as much anymore. I don't hang out with them in the weekends, I ain't smoking joints with them in our spare time. I pretty much miss them, but it's okay. That's because of my new friends. Some straight edge guys in a band. I knew one of them already, but since I went to their show, I talked to the other two and they are pretty nice. So now, both singers/guitar players (who also drum, they switch) became good friends of mine.
For that, I have to thank the Groezrock festival. It was amazing. I was with those guys and they actually listen to the same bands as me. The Vandals, the Aquabats, No Fun At All, NOFX, This is a Standoff, Bane.. Just amazing bands played there. I had such a great time.

Maybe I will have my own place at the end of the year, but not sure about that.

I'll update soon

Love, Maaike

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How is your week going?

I do not understand why my health is so horrible. I feel like a hypochondriac, but I am not... I promise.

I have asthma, I'm lactose intolerant, I have hyper mobile joints, I have horrible eye sight and I am starting to think my ears are not doing so well due to too many shows.

I do not understand. Like really, if there is a higher power they just enjoy throwing illnesses at me.

I am going to the hospital on Monday so they can take pictures of my insides. Doesn't that sound like fun?

On the bright side, I am graduating in June.
All my school classes are wicked easy too.
Horray for having almost all art classes.

How is your week going?

Monday, May 4, 2009

For lack of a Title.

Hello everyone.  I am Kayla, and I figured it might be interesting on a "teenage" blog do have someone overly logical and rational. =] This is why I am here. I hope you all enjoy my odd stories and what-not. Feel free to say what you want and comment as you please. If you want me to never blog again, just tell me. 

You may need a slight bit of background information. 
- All of my classes are art classes except Gym and Writing Workshop
- I have horrible health issues and am always sick, yet I eat very healthy. (Veg)
- I talk before I think. 
- Favorite bands: AFI, the Cure, Tiger Army, exc. 


Hello, im Makayla from Upstate New York. i just learned about this blog on the Despair Faction and thought the concept of looking into teenagers minds through a blog was a pretty interesting idea. About myself in a few words are that i am not an average person. My favorite things are writing, playing guitar, photography and music. i think that things are not as they appear and can be disected into something more than just an average idea. Sorry this was sort of a quick post but when i have something more interesting to talk about, trust me i will, it will be here.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Don't Want to Remember Halloween

I just have to share this story...

Last Halloween, I was staying over at my friend Silver's house (yeah, we all went trick-or-treating, even though we're way too old to. my costume was Count D from Petshop of Horrors and it owned). She had two friends over -- let's call them Allen (who is dating my other friend, Toki) and George. After consuming a bit of sugar (and after I pretended to be drunk from all the CHOCOLATE), we went back to Silver's house.
And we wreaked much havok havoc.
We relaxed for a bit and had a seance (which was pretty freaking awesome and not scary). Oh, and then things got really insane.
Truth or Dare, anyone?
To sum it up, I made Silver shout "F*** YOU!" at the top of her lungs, she made Allen scream "HOLY S***!" and we all made eachother kiss eachother (on the cheeks, thankfully).
The most embarrassing, however, was what they made me do. In very poetic terms, they all made me say what I felt about the guy I have a crush on. Then they sang what I had just said.
Oh my God was THAT embarrassing.

Much chocolate to all

Sukita is Here

Why, hello there!
I'm Sukita (call me Suki) and I'm a freakish teenager who writes too much (I'll write anything -- fanfiction, fiction, screenplays, stageplays, whatever). I go to a school for freakishly smart people and I'm in Algebra 1 class, my best class being English, probably (since I flunked that Chem exam last week x_x).
What I Like: Pie, Throwback Pepsi (REAL SUGAR!), Kingdom Hearts, seafood, sushi, chocolate, writing, taking pictures, hanging out with my friends, cinnamon gum, my iPod, the number 6...
What I Dislike: Being called short (DON'T CALL ME SHORT!), people who call me emo for listening to the kind of music I listen to, the guys in my PE class...
Right Now My Room Looks Like: A mess. You can see the floor, however. When you first walk in, you see my hamper, then my desk with my boombox on it.
I also love my blue Sharpie ♥
That's all I want to say for now!
TTFN! (Ta-Ta For Now!)

First Words...

Hey! I'm Denise and I'm from Mexico. I learned about this blog through the Despair Faction and I decided, since I'm a writer, that I should contribute. Just a little, because my life is not that interesting. My family is quite normal, just me and my parents. My house is small and my neighborhood is quiet. My house was haunted until 1 month ago, haha, I don't know what changed that status.
I'm writing a novel in English at the moment (which is hard because I'm not a native speaker) and I write songs for a band that I'm trying to put together. But, here's an interesting situation that happens to me: the story that I'm writing has taken up my life in such way, that sometimes I feel and act like my main character. Maybe it's inmature and silly, but that's the way things are right now.
I'm a little disappointed of love at the moment, because whenever I have a crush on someone that turns out to be a total jerk, I feel really stupid
I believe that was a good first post :)

Oh, the ocean rolls us away, away.

I love love love the ocean. It's so mysterious and just beautiful. Like, I wish I could sit on a beach all day and watch the waves curled up in a blanket. I'm not talking about like the Bahama kind of beach. I mean the Maine kind of beach or the North California coast beaches. The dark and scary beaches. The dark sand and the grey foam of the water stealing sea shells from the shore and replacing them with sea weed. The kind of beach that's cold and has boulders. The kind of beach that has huge cliffs that some depressed person might jump off of and take his own life. The kind of beach where you can't see past your ankles. Where you don't know where the shore starts or where the ocean ends. You don't know what creatures are lurking underneath the grey foam. It's the beach where the gulls are crying and hissing not singing. The kind of beach where you go to find salvation and serenity, not white sandy beaches and clear water. The sea is such a scary place. I know this sounds horribly depressing but dying in the sea seems like such a calming way to die. Just to jump off that cliff and fall in and just hold your breath until you go numb. You could just float to the bottom where you belong for the rest of eternity. It just seems so calming.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I guess I'll make things somewhat interesting since no one's posted in a while.

First of all, the three choices that were voted on for the poll on what we should do to improve the blog were post more often, more authors, and the layout, like color scheme, music, etc. And so for the layout, I was proactive and went ahead and made a poll for that a while ago. The choices that were voted on were prettier/brighter colors, background image/something, and to make a poll to vote on a song every week or so.

Song poll, no problem. However, I need specifics for brighter/prettier colors and the background image. So, I will make yet another poll for that. Unless you want to give specific ideas by commenting. That would be nice.

First song? I was thinking something that some people know and the majority probably does not hate. Girl's Not Grey, Poker Face, Injection, The City Is At War, Don't Trust Me, Drain You? Not exactly a wide variety, but... I tried. If you have any other ideas, go right ahead and comment with them.

As for colors/background/layout, help? I want to find something that's ok with the majority.