So in Sunday school yesterday, we had to talk about things someone might ask us to do that we wouldn't want to for whatever odd reason. People came up with a) going near sharks. b) someone shooting a bird out of the sky and making you eat it. c) sitting on a toilet that you knew a snake was going to come out of. d) streaking around the mall. e) jumping off a cliff into a trench with spikes and fire and giant evil gummy bears.
7th and 8th graders came up with those ideas, of course.
One of my best friends Alex came to my house for a few minutes and we made a video of me playing Love Like Winter on the piano and singing/Alex screaming. You really want to see that. On the way to the mall, we saw this boy waving a pink pom-pom out of the back of a car. We started pointing and giggling at him, he got really embarrassed and then Alex took out her camera and took a picture of him. I don't know why, but it was really funny. His sister got really embarrassed and slapped him. It's definitely a really good thing to have teenage girls pointing and laughing at you or your younger sibling. Then we were at the mall with Avery, Hannah, Morgan, and Naila, and we went on the carousel and almost got motion sickness because we went on the spinning teacup thing. Alex and I danced around Hot Topic with one of the employees. Then Avery, Naila, and I tried to go to all the perfume stores in the mall and spray each other. Avery has asthma, so that was not exactly the greatest idea. I took a shower and the perfume did not completely go away. That's how much perfume we sprayed on ourselves and each other. XD We started running and jumping off staircases. And we made sure no one was anywhere near us, of course. Then we saw one of those Easter bunnies that little kids take pictures with, and it was just plain terrifying. Really.
At youth group we were talking about our beach retreat, we had to introduce ourselves, and I said "I'm Izzy, I'm in Ligon Middle School and I go to the seventh grade." That was funny. And an accident. We had to come up with a name for our team, and each team had a color, ours was cerulean, which is a shade of blue. Edward (who also came up with the idea of streaking around the mall at Sunday school) said we should be the Cerulean Cereal. Someone else said Cerulean Clowns. We settled on Cerulean Centaurs. A centaur is a half-horse half-human thing. Alliteration rules.
After youth group, Alex decided we were going to walk down the street to our friend Jake's house. We tried to call him, but he wouldn't pick up his cell phone. Or his home phone. We saw lights on, and we were thinking about ringing the doorbell just to say hi. But we decided to stand outside of his house and scream his name. Then Alex called Anthony because we didn't know what to do for whatever reason. Then today Jake told us he was kinda creeped out about us standing outside his house at 8:00 at night. Not surprising. I'd probably be worried if he wasn't.
And I found out I'm shorter than Brenna, who is pretty short. So now I'm almost one of the shortest people I know. It was the polar opposite two or three years ago. We all have to stop growing some day. Except I hope I grow a few more inches.
[Note to self: stop rambling.]
♥ Izzy
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