Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On Thursday, my friend Nai-Chia and I somehow ended up talking about religion at track practice. She said something, then I said "Oh, so you're atheist?" Nai-Chia: "Or antagonist." Me: "But wait, the antagonist is the bad person in a book or play, etc." Nai-Chia: "It means you're not sure if there's a god or not." Me: "You mean agnostic?" Nai-Chia: "Yeah." That made both of us laugh.

Right now I have the flu and the doctor prescribed me this weirdo inhaler thing I have to use for five days to try to make it go away faster. I have to breathe powder into my lungs. This is my second day of being out of school, and my mom already told me I'm out tomorrow. I have to be fever-free for 24 hours to go to school. Or I might be contagious.

It's fun being out of school. I get to sit on the couch all day and watch TV. But the flu is not exactly fun to have.

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