Sunday, March 1, 2009


My name is Rosie, and I hate introductions. I noticed that another Rosie posted earlier, which is pretty cool. I've only met a few other Rosies in my life.

So about me....I'm turning sixteen on March seventh.
I love anything to do with performing arts. I play clarinet in my school's marching band, bass in our jazz combo, and am also in a guitar ensemble where everyone sucks hard and makes me look good. I've been playing the guitar for about three or four years, and it's one of my favorite hobbies.
I've been performing onstage since I was a little kid. I love acting and singing. I've been in some pretty large-scale shows, but my favorites are always the ridiculous little shows my theater class puts on at the end of the year. We're about to start rehearsals for our next show, and I'm so excited. The class is full of the funniest, most insane kids you'll ever meet.

I'm also a giant nerd. I take all honors and AP classes, and occasionally find myself missing school over a long break. There is something wrong with me. I love my school, though, because it's not your stereotypical clique-y bitchy high school. In middle school people gave me crap for the way I dressed (and thinking back, it was well deserved. I was such a disaster. Almost everything I wore came from Hot Topic! D: ), but now nobody cares. And people dress with a whole lot more fail that I did.
Anyway, English is my favorite academic class. I have the most badass teacher this year, but unfortunately my classmates are just bad. They're all idiotic football players who don't take anything seriously, and I'm left to wonder how exactly did they get into honors? But I still like the class.

That's all for now. I got off a plane from Hawaii around 5am today, and am extremely jetlagged. And in need of food.

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