Monday, March 23, 2009
Ups and Downs
Today has been one of those days when I'm not doing anything, I'm thinking about how it's all over, and I always end up tearing up. *sigh*
It's just. Rowing has been one of those constants in my life, for about three years now. I started rowing in the July/August of 2006, and have had roughly 9 months of not rowing in the last three years between then and now, for the off-seasons.
It's hard to deal with the fact that it's all over. I keep remembering, keep thinking, "I will never hear the roar of the Charge and know they're cheering for me", or, "I will never row in this boat again", and shit like that. "I will never be in a crew where our relationship is as close as this". It's just. Rowing for my school has been my life since the middle of 2006, and now it's three months into 2009.
It's a long time.
Anyway, but, Head of the Schoolgirls was the most amazing weekend of my life. I will never, never forget it, all the cheering for the little Juniors, running with the 1st VIII, racing our beautiful last race - our best race ever, I think. One of the coaches said it sent chills up her spine. Said she'd been worried until it started, and then she was like, "They have it. They won't let anyone beat them."
Our coach, who was competing in Perth during the regatta, was on the phone with one of the coaches during our race. She cried.
Wow, this is getting to be another tl;dr post. I really should shut up. ._.
Summary: I'm devastated that rowing is over, but my weekend was absolutely amazing.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Giant Evil Gummy Bears
7th and 8th graders came up with those ideas, of course.
One of my best friends Alex came to my house for a few minutes and we made a video of me playing Love Like Winter on the piano and singing/Alex screaming. You really want to see that. On the way to the mall, we saw this boy waving a pink pom-pom out of the back of a car. We started pointing and giggling at him, he got really embarrassed and then Alex took out her camera and took a picture of him. I don't know why, but it was really funny. His sister got really embarrassed and slapped him. It's definitely a really good thing to have teenage girls pointing and laughing at you or your younger sibling. Then we were at the mall with Avery, Hannah, Morgan, and Naila, and we went on the carousel and almost got motion sickness because we went on the spinning teacup thing. Alex and I danced around Hot Topic with one of the employees. Then Avery, Naila, and I tried to go to all the perfume stores in the mall and spray each other. Avery has asthma, so that was not exactly the greatest idea. I took a shower and the perfume did not completely go away. That's how much perfume we sprayed on ourselves and each other. XD We started running and jumping off staircases. And we made sure no one was anywhere near us, of course. Then we saw one of those Easter bunnies that little kids take pictures with, and it was just plain terrifying. Really.
At youth group we were talking about our beach retreat, we had to introduce ourselves, and I said "I'm Izzy, I'm in Ligon Middle School and I go to the seventh grade." That was funny. And an accident. We had to come up with a name for our team, and each team had a color, ours was cerulean, which is a shade of blue. Edward (who also came up with the idea of streaking around the mall at Sunday school) said we should be the Cerulean Cereal. Someone else said Cerulean Clowns. We settled on Cerulean Centaurs. A centaur is a half-horse half-human thing. Alliteration rules.
After youth group, Alex decided we were going to walk down the street to our friend Jake's house. We tried to call him, but he wouldn't pick up his cell phone. Or his home phone. We saw lights on, and we were thinking about ringing the doorbell just to say hi. But we decided to stand outside of his house and scream his name. Then Alex called Anthony because we didn't know what to do for whatever reason. Then today Jake told us he was kinda creeped out about us standing outside his house at 8:00 at night. Not surprising. I'd probably be worried if he wasn't.
And I found out I'm shorter than Brenna, who is pretty short. So now I'm almost one of the shortest people I know. It was the polar opposite two or three years ago. We all have to stop growing some day. Except I hope I grow a few more inches.
[Note to self: stop rambling.]
♥ Izzy
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Crazy kids
I should be at school, but instead I'm at my neighbours/best friend's house. Hís parents are working, so he's home alone. Well, alone.. Alwin, Jerney and I are there. The guys are in the kitchen, making food. Guys can eat 24/7 it seems. Jerney turned on the tv on a porn channel. Alwin, who's the only virgin here (and the oldest of us), thinks it's pretty interesting.
It's fun being here. The weather has been nice for the past few days, it's still pretty cold but at least the sun is shining. It makes me happy and makes me look forward to summer even more.
We're just a bunch of crazy kids, but that's okay with me.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Who I am
Most of my friends are guys, I treat them like equals, they treat me like an equal. Most of the time it means that we're talking about stuff like relations, girls, beer, parties, music, shows we've been to or are going to, sex, friends, people we used to be friends with. I forget that I'm another gender then them and talk about all these things in the same way as the guys do. My sister and her best friend, who also are part of the group of friends I have are a totally different story. They act like girls and are treated as such. When they enter the room, they tend to change the conversation into something totally different. They listen to a different kind of music then the rest, constantly talk about guys, love shopping, love going to a disco, hate going to shows by punk bands. Pretty much the opposite of me and my friends. But I've known my sisters friends for 11 years now and my sister for as long as she lives. We, Jerney, Sebas, my sister and I, were always together. We grew up and still live in the same street, I moved here when I was 4 years old.
It's strange that they are being seen as girls and I'm.. I don't know how I'm seen, not a girl, not a guy.
I need to forget about this gender stuff and just be myself. Why worry that I don't have a boyfriend when I love being single? But it keeps bothering me that my friends don't see me for who I really am..
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Right now I have the flu and the doctor prescribed me this weirdo inhaler thing I have to use for five days to try to make it go away faster. I have to breathe powder into my lungs. This is my second day of being out of school, and my mom already told me I'm out tomorrow. I have to be fever-free for 24 hours to go to school. Or I might be contagious.
It's fun being out of school. I get to sit on the couch all day and watch TV. But the flu is not exactly fun to have.
Today In The Life...
Best morning ever. I love rowing and all, but it tends to leave me without the energy to deal with the rest of the day.
I got to school, and with my spare free time, I went onto one of my two FF.Net forums where I'm a regular.
The Domain is currently a warzone. The atmosphere is tense and unhappy. I pick up on these things easily, so it upsets me. I had a breakdown last night (bad grades + fighting friends + formal drama = a severely distressed girl who is borderline depressive), and I thought I should go.
But one of my friends was there, and he always makes me laugh, so I stuck it out, and eventually the atmosphere got less tense. So that was good.
I had Chemistry in Period 3, and I did a 1500 meter ergo (that's a race on the rowing machines) at Lunch with my crew. And then Periods 4 and 5 I had Psychology, which is always fun.
Anyway, didn't get home until six thirty ish. I was stupid enough to catch the fucking tram. BAD IDEA. I should have known I'd have to wait like, 20 minutes for a tram that wasn't so packed you could fit a girl and her schoolbag on it. I'm currently kinda PMSing, so I got so frustrated I chucked my bag at the tram shelter and yelled about being in Year 12 and having to study.
My phone looks like it's a little worse for wear because of my temper tantrum. -_-
Anyway, I finally got home, and I was on the internet for like, five minutes, and my mum comes in and gives me shit about how I should be spending more time studying and less time looking at my LJ checking on friends and shit. I got so fucking mad, but I'm too much of a coward to bitch back at her, so it's just festering quietly. I resent her for thinking that I have to give up everything and everyone I love just to get a good score this year. Fuck that shit.
I need that stuff to keep me sane.
Anyway, had a text conversation with my friend Streak until I got internet access on my laptop, and then posted a tl;dr post on T/D about the conflict. And I feel better now for having spoken about it. :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
I'm starting to worry that I'm turning into my sister -she's dropped out of college two times already, went back to college in September, and it looks like she'll be dropping out of this one too. Then again, I can't be turning into her yet because I still shower and she doesn't, so maybe there's hope for me yet.
My goals for the next three years are:
- Leave college
- Get a full time office job (admin work)
- Learn to drive
- Buy a car
- Move out
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I'm Gonna Suture Up My Future
I like the fact my aunt Sarah has just about everything you could ever need, and it's all second hand. I don't like it when I go and visit her with mum and none of her cats come and talk to me. But I fucking love the fact she has so many damn cats, I mean - AWESOME.
I like my older sister buying my friends and I alcohol. I like my older sister being the same size clothes as me. I like my older sister being an immature loser when she's around me. I don't like my sister when she cancels plans at the last minute. But then again, she does buy me alcohol.
I like the fact my brother comes and sprays or kills the bugs I'm too scared to go near. But other than that he's an asshole.
I like going to Westport to see Nichola and the kids. I like the fact she's my stepmum. I hate the fact my father cheated on her. But I love the fact no one can ever replace her.
Comment with your own :).
Hi. I'm seventeen, female, Australian, go to an all girl's private school, and sports are my life. As of about six weeks ago, I started my last year of high school.
Hahah. Nah, Year 12 isn't too bad. I mean, you get your usual Assesment Task freakouts, (like I got 26 out of 40 for my Lit Essay, and all I could think was "Fuuuuuuuuuuck.") but it's not so bad.
...Let's just wait until exams, haha.
Anyway, so, my period 2 class was cancelled, which was fun, so I spent it copying out some logarithms notes into my notebook. Obviously I should have done this a VERY long time ago, but... I'm just lazy like that, haha.
So, while also sketchily copying out notes, I also browsed my usual forums, including the Fireplace Alliance on, where I'm a moderator, and the AFI Message Boards. Obviously came across a post about looking into the minds of under 18 year olds, and here we are.
I thought I should do this before I forget. Hahah. I can already tell you the rest of my day. I'll go off to my PE class, where we'll learn more about Energy Systems. I'll have weights at lunchtime, and House Assembly after that. Then I'll go and hang out with a friend in Period 4, and then I'll go home, and chill before my tutor comes and we'll hopefully NOT work on Lit. Haha. Nah, I have a Methods Test next week, so, we'll work on that. Then I'll go on the internet, hopefully chat to a few friends, then go to bed.
...I lead such a boring life. Hahahah.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
To Turn On Me
- Last night I saw a cat get hit by a car and it was horrible.
- A German exhanhe student has Scabies at school. Re. Volt. Ing.
So, basically, if I was to ever write a book on my pathetically dramatic teenage years, I know have two more things to write about. HOORAY.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Should I be worried yet?
In relation to worrying, I worry about everything, everyone, all the time. Chances are, I'm probably worried about YOU right now. Like that something might happen to you or something. Because I worry about everyone I know or kind of know constantly. It's a weird problem.
Mainly kinda in the back of my head. Not generally distracting.
Oh, and so while our Japanese teacher is in Japan for two weeks on a trip with some high schoolers, she left us a bunch of ridiculous and strange work that she wants us to do in class. Make a brochure about if we were traveling to Japan, and then make a picture book about a story of a guy named Urashima Taro. Probably weirder than it sounds.
We had to say who were going to bring to Japan, because we had to pretend we were going in the travel brochure, and put what airline we're using, hotels, schedule, etc. So for the people I'm bringing, I decided to bring two of my favorite bands and 20 other people. 28 in total. :)
I felt like being ridiculous.
As for the story book, I thought of someone to replace the Urashima Taro guy with. Davey Havok. From AFI. No, I'm not obsessed. I got bored and decided to annoy Patrick because he complains about me talking about my "weird music" all the time. And I find Davey fun to draw in children's story books.
= Summary of today.
Basically what I'm thinking/how I feel right now: ♪♫☺♥╥↨▼▲§♦♣♠•◘○╤▲╚ε┤
Yes, I think about arrows and bullet points.
Do you see the math in there?(Pi! Pi day is Saturday 'cause it's 3/14. Pi/╥=3.141592653589793
♥ Izzy
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Late for school
So I'm in a pretty bad mood right now. Well, at least I didn't miss anything important. Only science, math, English and Dutch. That leaves me with biology, economy and biology practicum. Except for the fact I'm not home until 6 it's alright.
I've been going to school now for some more than a month and I'm finally starting to make friends. For once, there are some who don't threat me like an outcast.
I don't have much time to write, so I'll leave it at this for now
Monday, March 9, 2009
Pass the soy.
PLUS a girl that I used to be best friends with asked me how I got prgnant, if I "was a virgin." So now she's all like, "Hail Saint Mary", and I'm just like, wtf. I wore a shirt that EVERYONE except her thought was adorable, but according to her, it was maternity wear. Now, I'm a fifteen year old, and I'm below the average weight for my age. Just naturally - I don't diet or anything. So I'm just like, "okay, dude, where's the baby?" and point to my concave stomach. No one even believes her, everyone thinks she's full of beep. But it still hurts that someone I used to be good friends with is trying to ruin me.
Karma much?
First period Health we ate doughnuts, DOUGHnuts, of course I didn't eat any, being the idiot I am.
Second period Advanced English we took a 50 point test I aced it, then we watched a movie.
3rd period was Chorus...well chorus is chorus, its always fun.
Then math which was fun because we have free days every Friday.
Then speech and me and my friend Holly practiced for a nonverbal speech that involved slap-fights and death.
Then about a perverted conversation...*shudder*....lets just leave it at-there are only 2 virgins at our lunch table, me and Holly. Whats wrong with being a virgin? Seriously!
Then Biology which I expected to completely ruin my day, instead she taught us 16 square punnet squares again which was easy and our homework didn't get copied right so it was on poster paper!
Then PAGE class came, which is Pennsylvania Geography History, that class is always the best. The teacher came in late, we talked about Hinduism then all of a sudden there was this loud bang in the back of the class and it was Mr. Bojangles which is this GIANT painting of....a man....thing, it fell and the kid next to me (Tim) goes to fix it, when he did it fell on him and I turned around just in time to see him jumping onto the floor face first to escape Mr. Bojangles wrath. Then it happened again after he tried putting it up the third time. Then Carl says "Dude, that scared me so much, I thought someone was breaking in!" I was laughing the entire class period.
Lastly there was study hall which was interesting due to the fact of my poster bio homework, small desks+poster bio homework-dignity=me scrambling to pick up stuff and do homework (At. The. Same. Time. (Booyah!)
That day I also saw flyers on the exit signs, which are up purdy high, so me and my friend Gesi concluded that a ninja had to take a leap of faith to reach that.
Now, Ive been having nothing but bad days ever since. Gr, curses. I mean seriously, karma much?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday night was my dad's leaving party, I didn't socialise much because I felt like death, but my family are hilarious when they're pissed, so it was still a good night. I don't really have much else to dad's leaving date got pushed back to the 16th, so he's got a few more days at home, so I'll be staying at his house for most of the week. Not looking forward to it that much because there's not a lot of room there, which means either sharing a bed with my 2 sisters or sleeping on the floor. I know it should be like a family time, and we should all be supporting each other, but I really feel like I need, and would prefer Adam to be there for emotional support -is that bad?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
"Hey Cynthia, is Yusuf rigid?" - Jonathan
"I don't know, let's ask." - Cynthia
"Hey Yusuf, are you rigid?" - Cynthia
"Umm.....what?" - Yusuf
"I said, are you rigid?" - Cynthia
"I don't answer that if guys ask me that." - Yusuf
"Wait im a girl..answer the question, are you rigid? - Cynthia
"No the moment passed.." -Yusuf
Guess it's a had to be there moment.
But it was a fun class period.
"All I need to hear is that you're not mine."
Let me tell you, it's horrible.
It's sort of like, you'd rather be told that they don't love you, than keep living not knowing. I guess that's what started the whole picking petals off a flower, saying, "He loves me. He loves me not." over and over again.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Actually, things are working out okay for me. Nothing at all to worry about. It's strange, I haven't felt this way in a long time. I have friends, get along well at school, don't have anyone to love or need anyone for that matter, things at home seem to be going alright. My problem is, at the moment things are going good I'm not inspired to write anymore.
So it seems useless to talk about the now because day in, day out it's the same.
I just heard my first boyfriend got engaged. It's been a little over three years since I we were together and two and a half since we broke up. For some reason this news upsetted me a bit, but I don't feel anything for him anymore. Maybe I should not take it seriously, seeming his girlfriend is only 14, but still..
It's strange how thing can turn out. My boyfriend was a waste of time, smoking weed every single day, no education, nothing. Now he has a girlfriend who he seems to love (I don't know in how far he's capable of feeling any emotion) and wants to marry. He's going to live together with is brother somewhere next month, something which I know won't turn out right, his brother is almost worse then he is. I wonder, where will I be when I turn 18.
It frightens me to think about it, I don't want to grow older. I don't want any responsibility, I like being 16. I liked being 15 even more. Now I'm about to turn 17 in 1.5 month. I don't want to grow up, don't want to grow old.
I spend my evening drinking beer and talking about politics with Mark and Sjoerd. Mark is a good friend who I've known for 4 years now, Sjoerd is my younger brother. They're fun to hang out with, both really strange but likeable guys. I'm so happy for Mark he has a girlfriend now. I never met his girlfriend, but he said he would come by and introduce me to her coming sunday.
Well, that was it for today.
I hope my crappy English doesn't bother you too much..
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Last night, his new girl somehow got a hold of my IM, and was trying to start major drama. Pretty much calling me a whore and blahblahblah trying to make me jealous. As it would turn out, an individual that all three of us are misfortunate enough to know had been spreading rumors about me and about my former relationship. And it's all total bull.
I was kind enough to correct these fallacies. She then went on to say that she was the one who told him to stop talking to me because she thought we still had something going or something. I don't even know. She read some old messages I sent him and got jealous or something. I managed to convince her that I was over the whole thing and would be rather left alone, but tonight she IMs me AGAIN trying to start more crap.
I mean, COME ON. How incredably immature is that? She's such a jealous little trollop, I dont' know what he sees in her. And she's got horrible taste in music.
All I want is for him and I to become friends again, and for her to stop trying to start crap. Really, that's all. I wouldn't take the guy back, at least not any time soon after this whole ordeal, but I still would like to be friends. For the longest time though, I felt like he was more of a best friend than my boyfriend, and I'd just like for things to go back to the way they were. I'm starting a show on the 16th, and he's in the cast. I just wanna talk things over with him so badly.
(You have no idea how hard it was to refrain from cursing while writing this. When I get pissed off I usually go on Tourette's-status rants, or start writing in horrible prose. Damn me and my abmormally large vocabulary!)
Katy, don't cry. I know you're trying your hardest.
I hate falling in love with someone and then getting kicked to the curb.
I hate breaking up and then losing a friend because of it.
I want to feel whole again.
I want to feel like someone loves me and would drop everything for me.
I'm sick and tired of crying.
My heart feels like subzero acid is pumping through it rather than warm blood.
It feels like something's tearing through it.
I want someone to love me.
Cut The Cord
I don't mind it sometimes, but I'd like to become my own person. All of my friends are oldest or only children so they're all pretty much detached from their parents already, whereas I find mine babying me. It's a bit unfair, but I see why. My older siblings aren't role models. Police run-in's, drugs, guy drama's, backstabbing friends etc. They seem to want to protect me from all of this constantly. Whereas, I see it like - why not let me face all of this now? I've dealt with far worse within my family, so I think I can cope. Plus, they won't wanna baby me for too long, what happens once I'm moved out? You know, like in the movies. The only child gets cooed over for all their life, then BAM. HELLO REAL WORLD. HELLO NOT SO NICE THINGS.
I've seen my siblings and friends go through some rough times, and I myself have even dealt with some pretty crap stuff despite the babying. But, if I'm not out there living for myself now, will I ever?
So lets talk about school. Like I said, I have a 4.0 GPA (for 9th and 10th grade). I thought my science test was supposed to be March 5th, but no, it was March 3rd, so I didn't study. I did okay I think, though. Better than my last test grade. Apparently I'm probably the only one in my Spanish class who's going to take Spanish 4. Kind of lame, I know. Uh, I can't really think of anything else about school.
So lets talk about relationships! Like I said, I've got an amazing boyfriend. Last Saturday was our 6 month. We didn't really celebrate except for getting really excited over being together that long (his longest relationship, but not mine). I'm kind of surprised we've lasted that long, but at the same time we get along great and don't really fight. Plus, we have a very open relationship which is always good. I'm really lucky to be with him. Last night, though, he gave himself a buzz cut. Before he had flippy, blonde, surfer/skater kind of hair. It looks okay, but I agree with everyone when they say he looks like a very young Slim Shady.
I can't really think of anything to write. So yeah, I guess that's it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Okay, I really know we're normal now.
I just tried out for track and made the team. Go me. That means I get a full-size locker for being an athlete and a uniform. We have half-size lockers in the hallway.
And I also got hit pretty hard on a wall during tryouts. I'm ok. I was running so fast that I couldn't stop. We were in the gym, and had to race someone. Then I hit the wall and everyone was all "OMG. Are you okay?" I said yes even though I probably needed some ice or something.
I think that's kind of a bad habit. Ignoring pain. If I ever get seriously injured, I know I won't do that.
I hope.
Then the second time, it was awesome because I'm a ninja and I ran and then basically jumped off the wall. Not just awesome. Super-freaking-amazing. Would've been a good youtube video.
Apparently Nai-Chia was so sure she would not make the track team that she made a bet with someone that she had to kiss Soomin (is a girl. Neither of them are homosexual or bisexual.) if she made the team. I honestly don't know what's going to happen at this point. Either way, I know she's somehow going to get out of it. So technically I do know. I'm confusing. Even to myself.
Missing friends.
All the way to 6th grade I only had one friend. Tiffany. It sucked though, cause she had other friends.
Well at the end of 6th grade I got some really cool haircut, and I guess turned "hot" in guy's eyes, then BOOM, 7th grade I get soo many friends for the first time, and it's not just friends of Tiffany's, these people actually liked me for me.
It was all very new, but little did I know that it only lasts for so long. First, it started with Tiffany. She got her first "real" relationship which caused her to act like there was no one else in the world besides her and her boyfriend, Marshal.
So, because of that I became very close with my other new friends, like Emily and Jake.
Jake and I dated for like.. a week, but it wasn't really anything. After that though, we got so close and were like best friends.
Emily and I hung out almost every day, talked about everything, we were really close.
Here's how it is now -
Now Tiffany and I are still pretty close, but she will only hang out when she's single, which I've come to accept.
Jake and I don't even talk anymore, barley. It's so weird because I don't know how or why it faded away. It happened all a sudden and I don't even know when.
Emily got into her boyfriend who did major drugs, drank, and it changed her so much. Now she's like dead to me she's such a different person. She smokes weed everyday now when her and I used to talk of how, to us, it was a stupid thing to waste money on. She even did it once and said she was never going to do it again. So, we don't even talk anymore at all.
Every single guy that I've come close with isn't my friend anymore because I wouldn't date them, and I guess they gave up. I don't date guys easily because I've seen what it does to my friends, and I'm just very.. complicated.
But anyways, 2 of my other close friends did the same thing Tiffany did.
There's so many more that it would take forever to list. I think about it way too often, but it really sucks when you know that that person doesn't give a care in the world if they're your friend or not.
But, I guess that's just the price with having friends? I just don't understand why it has to be that way. I really am a nice person, or at least people say I am.
Well anyways, I've been thinking about this because I found some old videos of Me, Tiffany, Jake, Emily, and my other friends Kammie, and Anna. There's a picture of Tiffany attacking me that makes me miss the old times. This was from like 7th grade.
Anyone else go through this?
Just another post
I am finding myself already looking forward to the weekend. The only problem is my volunteers work. I said I could work next Saturday, but now some things came between and I pretty much can't go. Well, maybe I'll just go and take the last bus home instead of spending the night there, like I usually do.
I live in a pretty small town, but have my fair share of friends here. Most of the friendships I have are based on our common interest for punk music. I have a few friends in bands, it's really cool to just go to their show and scream along with the lyrics, remembering when they send you the first demo of their song. I love music and love supporting the local scene.
I worry to much about my friends. Here in the Netherlands you can buy weed when you turn 18 legally in coffeeshops. Now I have a friend who turned 18 last year and now smokes it almost every single day. He hangs around with the drug dealers in his town, goes to parties were they take XTC. Okay, I also experimented with drugs and still occasionally smoke a joint. But I don't hang around with drugdealers, not anymore. I rather get drunk once in a while when I'm out with friends.
It's not the drugs that are addictive, it's the world around it.
So, just rambling on about life, like I always do.
<3 Maaike
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Now, snow is great, if it gets you out of school. And if its February or January. But it's March. MARCH. And after two days of spring time weather, this sudden blizzard that hit us from the left field really pissed me off.
Winter has got to be my least favorite season.
This morning my dad drove me to school, the roads were still caked in ice. As we were coming to an intersection, my dad hit the brakes just slightly and we went sliding all the way across the intersection. Got us some angry beeps from the other cars. And a bus. Well, as I was getting out of the car, some kid I don't know, slipped and fell on his arse whilst yelling out 'OH COME ON!' right in front of his parents and about 80% of the school population. I got a good laugh out of it. Then I slipped and fell. Yeah, KARMA. Oh summer, Where art thou, summer?
My name is Siobhan. It's pronounced Shu-von, or Shi-von depending on your accent. I'm 17 -my birthday was just over a week ago actually. I have two brothers, both of whom are older than me, and two sisters, one older and one younger. My parents divorced about 3 years ago and my dad, who works for the Royal Air Force, is flying out to Iraq for 4 months next week. I'm terrified. I mean, he won't be leaving the base unless there's an emergency, but it's natural to be scared right?
I should have gone into college today really. I don't feel too great but I could have gone. I've lost all interest in it, to be honest. Health and Social Care isn't what I want to do. It's so unambitious, but I want to do something like secretarial work! I like filing and typing and making phone calls. I enjoy organising things, and I think office work is something I'd be good at.
At least Adam A enjoys his course. I should say, my boyfriend has the same name as one of my brothers -Adam. Therefore, my boyfriend will be referred to as Adam A, and brother simply as Adam.
I've been with Adam A since we were 15, we'll have been together for 2 years in June. Kinda scary considering how young we are, but we get on well, and I honestly believe that we love each other. Will we be together in 5 years time? Probably not. But we love each other now, and now is where we are, so we'll deal the future as and when it arrives, I guess.
I'm starting to ramble now, so I'll sign off. Ta ta.
Random thoughts
I'm not at school, though I should be. I had to go to the doctor first.
My mom wants me to go to school, even if it's just for one hour. She forgets it takes an hour to get there and I really hate the bus.
Next weekend I'm going to a friend in Houten. Houten is a small town near Utrecht, but I guess most of you never heard of any town here but Amsterdam, which isn't like most of you who never been there will imagine it. But back to the subject of next weekend.. I know the guy now for three years, he's the ex of Nienke. For some strange reason I didn't keep in touch with Nienke, but did keep in touch with her ex.
Because I have no car or drivers license (you have to be 18 for that) I can't get anywhere. Mostly I'm going by bus or train, but the town I live in has no train station and it's getting pretty expensive to travel much. So I have to do it with my phone and online contact when I want to speak to people who live more then 20KM away.
I heard there are almost no bikes in America and other countries. It's hard to imagine. Every place that is less than 20KM away I can reach in an hour on the bike. There are special roads for the bike almost everywhere, we have no mountains or hills, it's very flat around here so it's easy riding. Almost everyone in Netherland owns a bike.
Is it really all that different in other countries? Let me know..
I want to travel the world! When I finish school I want to go to the university and when I finish the university I'm going to make a trip around the world. Or at least visit some countries I never been before!
A friend once told me that I'm still a kid. He's 22, has a house of his own, lives together with his girlfriend, has a good education and a good job. He used to tell me I'm still young, still a kid, don't know nothing about the world. He told me that I would never get anywhere if I stayed the way I were back then. He always talked me down. Now, he says he's happy we're still good friends.
I won't let him talk me down no more and he finally admits his life ain't perfect. I wouldn't want to settle down at that young age...
Well, I'm going to light my cigarette now and do something more interesting then posting random thoughts on here.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I'm Amanda and I just turned sixteen. Well, not really, I've been sixteen for over a month now but it doesn't feel like anything's really changed since then. It should have, had I been more diligent about getting my driver's training done and then I would have my license right now but I wasn't so I don't have it.
I live in Los Angeles County, California, which is really just a fancy way of saying the suburbs outside of Los Angeles. Aside from my job and school, my life is really, really boring. My job is kind of the coolest job a kid my age can have, though. Through the place where I take music lessons (I'm a bassist), I am in a cover band that will eventually go on to play parties but right now, we're just backing up singers for demos. It's pretty much my favorite thing about my life.
School's awesome too. I go to this crazy magnet high school that's really arts and technology focused, which basically means that there are no sports. At all, I'm serious. We don't have a football team and all the other schools in the district are jealous of our mad test scores.
I write short stories when I have the time and it's the only thing I'm really, really fantastic at. (Not to toot my own horn, now I sound conceited). I really want to get into Columbia College for, well, college because I want out of California's grossness, but that may change in a year.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Have you really changed?
I was thinking the other day about how excited my older brother, sister and I would get when Dad told us he was coming to visit. We were all under ten and hardly ever saw our father (still don't.) so when he announced he'd be coming to visit us in the weekend we'd be giggly. We'd get to excited about seeing him, what we could tell him, how we could impress him, you know. We'd even be so excited that the day he was coming to get us we'd be so anxious of his arrival that we wouldn't be able to eat breakfast. We'd scrape it down the sink and sit on the doorstep smiling like idiots just waiting for his crusty old car to roll around the corner. Sometimes it never did. We'd just think he was running late, he always is. Hours would pass, and he wouldn't turn up.
Just last weekend my Dad told us he was coming to visit. I'm 16 now, my sister almost 20 and my brother 17. Now we weren't so excited we couldn't hold down a bowl of cereal, but we were so excited that we were all up by 10a.m. anticipating his arrival. He's always late so after about an hour we begin to wonder, is he really coming? I look around at my siblings and see the nervous looks on their faces as they glance at the clock every two seconds. I realise we haven't changed all that much, and it's been over 10 years, so who's to say Dad has? Normally he'll turn up, but on those days he didn't, it was awful. It still is. He never turned up last weekend, and didn't bother to let us know he wasn't until Sunday evening. We were meant to see him on Saturday.
So, whoever reads this, comment. Tell me in what ways, after thinking about it, are you the same as the smiling, toothless 6 year old you see in all those class photos? I know I haven't changed all that much, the above is just an example.
I still sleep with my Garfield teddy I got when I was 4.
Your turn.
Mornings and school
I'm Maaike. Just another 16 year old, living in the Netherlands.
Right now I should be making my way to the bus-stop, but I ain't. It's one of my most annyoing habits, not being able to get up in time. My bag is still unpacked and I still have to get dressed. Outside it's cloudy and kind of depressing weather. My head and body both told me they rather would have me back in bed, but my mom is screaming I have to hurry or I'll be late for school.
It's just an average monday morning.
I miss the weekend already, I had so much fun. Normally I'm almost every weekend at my volunteers work at the Underground, a local stage where bands play every weekend. This weekend I decided to stay at home and I actually liked it. Besides hanging out with the friends I'm not seeing that much, even though my best friend lives in the same street, it was nice to be able to go drinking and not having to worry about making a fool of myself.
School isn't working out the way I want it too. But I'm intelligent enough to pass if I just put some work in it, something I ain't doing at all. I guess it's not one of my priorities. I could never give myself 100% for school, although sometimes I wish I could. Like my younger brother, he's fifteen and spends almost all his time on school. He also knows everything about politics. Sometimes I just wish I was more like him, less caring about friends, love and the usual teen drama and just not giving a crap about what others think of you. Just being happy with the small things life brings. Just being happy with school.
But I know I'm not like that.
Well, maybe I'll post again when I actually have something interesting to say.
Dude seriously, what if the moon was made out of cheese?!
You've caught glimpses of shows like Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, and The secret Life Of An American Teenager. They all claim to be shows about situations and lives of most teenagers now, and that is sort-of true. Kids are going out and doing things that would've been shunned in society thirty years ago. Not everyone is like this though. Like me.
My name's Alex Lee, I'm going to be 16 in December, and I'm from the Midwest.
Unlike those crazy drama-filled shows that make my mind pound with whining, bitching, and fighting, I'm a nice kid. I try to do good in school. I don't have sex with a different guy each week (or at all thank you very much.) I am almost always a bit eccentric. I love to make people laugh and have a good time. I have very little fashion sense and don't really care. I don't do drugs, drink, or smoke, all of those things have messed up my life already, I've seen what they can do to people and I don't want to be like that. I love and respect my family to death. I live with my dad and my brother. My parents are divorced and I'm a daddy's girl. My dad is one of my best friends and his keen ear for music is baffling. My mom has done some things I don't like at all so I'm not as close as I would like to be with her. I don't like to speak up a whole bunch at school, but I never shut up at home. I'm not one of those stereotypical anti-socials. I don't like how most people at my school act but I have quite a wide variety of friends. I participate in building set and behind the scenes work with all our school plays.
The loves of my life are my best friends, my family, the music I hold near'n'dear and my animals. Since I was teeny-tiny I've loved animals. I have a cat named Kitty (original right? XD) she's a shorthaired calico and is around 8-9 years old. I also have a German Shepard/Rottweiler mix named Oden, He's a big baby. My addition is my hedgehog. His name is MC (Mac and Cheese) Hewitt. Hewitt's an odd little guy but I love him still.
Now that I've babbled on and told you my whole effing life in a few paragraphs I'm going to bit you adieu for now
Alex {hello?...OR HANG UP ON ME YOU JERK!} Lee
So about me....I'm turning sixteen on March seventh.
I love anything to do with performing arts. I play clarinet in my school's marching band, bass in our jazz combo, and am also in a guitar ensemble where everyone sucks hard and makes me look good. I've been playing the guitar for about three or four years, and it's one of my favorite hobbies.
I've been performing onstage since I was a little kid. I love acting and singing. I've been in some pretty large-scale shows, but my favorites are always the ridiculous little shows my theater class puts on at the end of the year. We're about to start rehearsals for our next show, and I'm so excited. The class is full of the funniest, most insane kids you'll ever meet.
I'm also a giant nerd. I take all honors and AP classes, and occasionally find myself missing school over a long break. There is something wrong with me. I love my school, though, because it's not your stereotypical clique-y bitchy high school. In middle school people gave me crap for the way I dressed (and thinking back, it was well deserved. I was such a disaster. Almost everything I wore came from Hot Topic! D: ), but now nobody cares. And people dress with a whole lot more fail that I did.
Anyway, English is my favorite academic class. I have the most badass teacher this year, but unfortunately my classmates are just bad. They're all idiotic football players who don't take anything seriously, and I'm left to wonder how exactly did they get into honors? But I still like the class.
That's all for now. I got off a plane from Hawaii around 5am today, and am extremely jetlagged. And in need of food.
Bring on the rain, bring on the thunder.
Shut Your Eyes and Burn the Past
Something I'd like to really like to talk about is sharks. I want to study them for a living but that's so unrealistic. After swimming with them three times, I'm not dead. I still have all my limbs. Really. We kill 100 million per year. They're going to be gone before I finish college.
I have a boy on my mind right now. I never get crushes on people. It's so cute, I like the feeling of being smitten. He's amazingly sweet, funny as hell, and actually make an effort. The only real thing that I'm afraid of is the fact that he's had so many girlfriends in the past. I've had two boyfriends and those relationships have all lasted 6+ months. Yeah, it's high school, but I'm not down for those ridiculous one week flings.
I'm extremely cold toward certain people on the DF right now. From what I've seen over half of these people do not belong there. Yeah, okay, they're all hot. I get it. Leave your obsession at the door. Some of these people have never even heard Art of Drowning, save Days of the Phoenix. Sure, you may be young, but is that any excuse? I joined the DF right after I turned 12. It's not like you can't just go on limewire, or even youtube.
So, Hi, I'm Kelsey. I'm 14, live in the northwestern corner of Montana, and live on a farm. I'm a girl, no matter how much I look like a guy (and apperently, I look like a "cute/HAWT" guy, according to a group of girls in the movie theater...) =/
I like writing stories and reading. I have like, 5 horses, 3 cows that live at home with one on the way, a bunch of chickens, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and all the wild animals in my 25 acre back yard. I've seen bears, mountain lions, deer, elk, have caught plenty of fish in the lakes and streams around here, but do not like eating them. I do not like seafood. I do, however, eat other meats. Mmm, steak. Haha. Um, as for my first story....
This happened about a week ago, on the 20th of February. I went with some friends to our buddy Ashton's birthday party. It was a Friday. We were going to go ice skating, but didn't because there was a tournament going on, so we decided to go to Pizza Hut instead. HAHAHAHAMISTAKE. We ordered and our drinks came out. Hey, check it out, straws with a little paper wrapping.
SPIT-BALL WAAAARRRR!!!!! So, that went on for a while. we used napkins, too. Then, these two highschoolers came in and we were all, "Hey, let's hit THEM!" Whoops. They were at the salad bar, and my friend Kaitlyn shot one into the salad/lettuce. The highschoolers went and told on us, and we got a pretty good lecture. As it turned out in the end, we had to pay for it. The ENTIRE salad bar, which they take down at 9:00 anyway, and there was no one but us there, and we were only eating pizza. Pffft. But, we only figured out it would be about $5 per person to pay for the whole thing, AFTER they threatened to call the cops and our parents. And after that, we went bowling. It was pretty fun.
And me and all my friends are the talk of the school. "Oh my god, you almost got arrested?!"
False Alarm
Now, if other kids in my school want to do drugs, that's their choice. I'm even friends with a couple kids who do drugs occasionally, and I'm totally fine with it so long as they're not hurting anyone and I'm not involved. But a drug dealer? This is definitely new territory for me. So you can imagine I'm sitting at my desk about ready to have a heart attack, totally convinced that my new buddy is a drug dealer. Well, he comes back a few minutes later, sits down, and hands the kid in front of me a Mountain Dew and a bag of Doritos, as well as a couple quarters in change. He had gone to the vending machines! In short, I felt pretty ridiculous because of the whole thing. Sometimes I think I'm a little paranoid.
Anyway, my name's Kayli and I live in Illinois. My hobbies include unwittingly creating awkward silences and being horribly out of place everywhere I go.
4 full moons.
One night about two years ago, I invited three of my friends over to spend the night. Emily, Tiffany, Alicia and I. We had the house to ourselves. Some how, everyone ended up putting on every single piece of clothing that I owned to where we looked like blown up marsh mellows. We then started to play a "stripping game"to get them all off. We had four cups and put a dime, two pennies, and a nickel under them. If you got the pennies you didn't take anything off, the dime you took two things off, and the nickel you took one thing off.
This went on for a while for we had tons of layers of random clothes on. Eventually we were down to our undergarments. Alicia was the first one to get there and she decided, hey I'm just going to get completely naked while we're at it. So, eventually we are all butt naked when the game ends. (Hope this isn't too inappropriate.)
After this we thought about going streaking because none of us have ever done so. My house at that time was in the middle of the woods with only one road, so we decided to do it.
We all run out of my back door and start flaring out arms, jumping up and down, screaming and hollering, just acting crazy.
Before I go on I must say that Tiffany is a little on the heavier side and Alicia is like a stick, she's skinny.
Anyways. I am running around until I turn my head and see Tiffany and Alicia going for each other at full speed. They don't even realize that they're heading towards each other. Finally Tiffany notices that Alicia isn't stopping so, she quickly juts to a stop, while Alicia jumps in the air, to where Tiffany's face is in her crotch. Tiffany flinches back causing her to fall to the ground, in the mud, butt naked, under Alicia's legs, after she just got hit in the face with Alicia's crotch. Alicia just stands there, wondering what just happened, I'm about ready to pee on the grass from laughing so hard, while Emily is still jumping about across the yard, completely oblivious to what just happened.
It was such a funny sight to see. It was like slow motion for me. Tiffany's side was completely brown with mud.
Fun night. It's something I'll always remember.
Konnichiwa! Onamaewa?
Do any of you guys remember that person who managed to be truly the first best friend that you ever had? I do and she was such a huge influence on my life. While we are going in different directions now, her taking care her baby and being engaged and me still struggling to pass school. She, in a way, shaped some of my views on things. She's the one person that I hope I won't forget.
My friend Ashley had come down to visit me and we were in Kroger. We were running around acting crazy and we wound up at the end of the make up isle. I really wanted to go find my dad but Ashley didn't want to, so I started pulling on her sweater to make her follow me. Well, that didn't exactly work, she just shimmied right out of her sweater and started to run away with nothing on but her bra. So I start yelling, "Ashely, get your ass back over here! You can't do that!" All Ashley does is turn around and stick her tongue out and do the whole 'na-na-boo-boo' thing. Then she starts running again and so do I and I finally caught up to her in the baby isle and I jammed her sweater over her head. She puts it on very reluctantly. Then my dad finds us RIGHT after Ashley puts her sweater back on. Talk about a close call! That would have been very awkward to explain.
The Domino Effect.
During middle school, we had a rather....weird, Life Science teacher to say the least. She threw stress balls at angry people. And growled at her computer. There was a kid in our class that always wore his shorts below his hips so one day, she made him stand up in front of the entire class and pull up his shirt. There was a bright line of heart printed boxers showing, which made the entire class erupt in fits of the giggles. The teacher made him pull up his shorts and sit back down. So the kid thought he'd be smart and pulled them down again when she turned around. He thought she wouldn't notice, she did. Made him stand back up again, and pull up his shorts. We called him Captain Underpants for the rest of the year.
Watashi no namae wa Roojii desu. My name's Rosie, I'm fifteen years old currently having the time of my life in high school. I'm rather simple, with strange friends behind me.